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Distance Selling Regulations

If you consider that you have a claim under the Distance Selling Regulations it is advisable to look at the detail of the regulations before starting a claim.

Be warned that the regulations do not apply to:

  • Financial Services.
  • Business to Business.
  • Sales by Private Individuals not acting for business purposes.
  • Timeshare agreements and package travel, package holidays and package tours.

Neither do they apply to:

  • Contracts to provide accommodation, transport, catering or leisure services (for example hotel accommodation; plane, train, or concert tickets; car hire or sporting events) where you agree to provide the service on a specific date or within a specific period.

Under the regulations distance sellers must provide you with certain information:

  • The identity of their business.
  • A description of the goods or services.
  • Price of goods and services including taxes.
  • Delivery costs.
  • Information on your right to cancel within 7 working days following the delivery.
  • Refunds to be made within 30 days of cancellation even if goods have not yet been returned.
  • Refunds should include delivery and where applicable costs of return.
  • Delivery or service performance within 30 days unless specifically agreed otherwise.

The distance selling regulations do not affect your rights under other legislation e.g. Sale of Goods Act 1979 or the Trade descriptions Act 1948.

You can view the full text (in a PDF document) of the Government's Distance Selling Regulations is available at: